Tuesday, August 21, 2007


Dear Heavenly Father,

I think you'd be proud of me! So far today I've done all right. I haven't gossiped, lusted, lost my temper, haven't been greedy, grumpy, nasty, selfish, or overindulgent. Praise Your Name! I'm grateful for Your grace...

But Lord, a few minutes from now, I'm getting out of bed... From then on I'm going to need a lot MORE of Your help!


Anonymous said...

I need this prayer too

Anonymous said...

yea! flo..you're nuts girl!

Anonymous said...

you went offline? hey.ur skating ltr rite?

Anonymous said...

oei! go off for?? ohhh. wait!!

Anonymous said...

the bluetooth thingy how?

Amanda said...

VERY HILARIOUS POST YOU HAVE! go visit my blog(: yes, going out. salihin is not free on mondays and wednesdays. or was it another day and wednesdays? ahhh, never mind. let's make it next friday? dinner. meet at let's say 7 30pm at wherever?

Anonymous said...

florence is funny in the head i swear

iesha said...

okie!! YAY. dinner date! (: friday sounds PUURRFECT. so,set then, next friday?! WE HAVE A HELL LOT OF CATCHING UP. hah!

iesha said...

to jon: ohh yaarr!! tha bluetooth!! AHHH. mmm.i'll tell sandra to pass it to ya

Anonymous said...

U CRAZY LA FLO. haha, rachel's ONLINE.. and ur not.